Base On-line


Payment of taxes and other revenue


Payment, before the deadline or legally enforced after it, is made to cancel any taxes or traffic fines of the municipal areas which have delegated tax collection to BASE.


Any liable taxpayer.

Required documentation

The official payment document sent by BASE via surface mail, e-mail or SMS is needed to complete the transaction, unless payment is made by TPV through BASE on-line (it is necessary to authenticate with a certificate digital).

You can request a duplicate at any of the BASE offices or download it through the following options:

  • Official payment document: service that allows you to download a payment document or make the payment online with a credit or debit card.

Notice: Payment must be made within the period stipulated on the official payment form. After this period you can request a new document, depending on the status of your tax file.

Where and how?

The available options are:

Payment with debit or credit card

  • Form BBVA (Visa, MasterCard and Maestro cards are allowed). Select the Issuer (Emisor) indicated in the official payment form (pdf) and click Continue



Online payment through collaborating entities

At the collaborating entities listed on the official payment form using one of the following methods of payment:

  • In person or by ATM. At the offices of the collaborating entities or ATM machines with barcode readers, along with the corresponding official payment document.
  • By phone banking. Only for clients of those entities with telephone banking services which have a collaboration agreement with BASE-Gestió d'Ingressos:

    Tel. 91224 94 26
    Summer schedule: Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
    Rest of the year: Monday to Saturday, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
  • On the Internet, by bank transfer or using a debit or credit card. You must be a client of one of the following to use this method of païment:

Bank transfer payment

If this is a valid paying method, you must indicate that, according to Article 60.5 of Ordenança Fiscal de BASE-Gestió d'Ingressos, transfer payments will only have liberating effects on the payment date on the destination target account of BASE-Gestió d'Ingressos.

Related formalities